68 Quotes by Theodore L. Cuyler

Theodore L. Cuyler Quotes By Tag

  • Author Theodore L. Cuyler
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    You may not be able to leave your children a great inheritance, but day by day, you may be weaving coats for them which they will wear for all eternity.

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  • Author Theodore L. Cuyler
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    Faith is trusting Jesus to lead us and going where He leads. What avails it to me to analyze Saratoga water, and to believe in its virtues? I must drink the water if I want its purifying power. And the soul that has not actually drunk of Christ can never be purged from sin.

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  • Author Theodore L. Cuyler
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    For a few brief days the orchards are white with blossoms. They soon turn to fruit, or else float away, useless and wasted, upon the idle breeze. So will it be with present feelings. They must be deepened into decision, or be entirely dissipated by delay.

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  • Author Theodore L. Cuyler
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    Every man or woman who turns to Christ must bear in mind that they are breaking with their old master, and enlisting under a new leader. Conversion is a revolutionary process.

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  • Author Theodore L. Cuyler
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    Conversion is the act of joining our hands to the pierced hand of the crucified Saviour. The new life begins with the taking of Christ's hand, and His taking hold, in infinite love, of our weak hands.

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  • Author Theodore L. Cuyler
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    Conversion by the Holy Spirit is a spiritual illumination of the soul. God's grace lights up the dark heart. And when a man has once been kindled at the cross of Christ, he is bound to shine.

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  • Author Theodore L. Cuyler
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    God sometimes washes the eyes of His children with tears in order that they may read aright His providence and His commandments.

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  • Author Theodore L. Cuyler
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    What right has a man to ask Jesus to forgive him, when his heart is still burning with hatred or festering with grudges against a fellow-creature? Confession, to be of any avail, must let go of its hold on the sin confessed.

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  • Author Theodore L. Cuyler
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    It is a bad sign when a new-born babe has not lungs enough to make itself heard over the whole house. It is equally a bad symptom when the new convert is born dumb, and cannot find his voice to praise God audibly.

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