507 Quotes by Thom Yorke
- Author Thom Yorke
I don't think I have a superiority complex. I have a "you're not Thom Yorke" complex.
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- Author Thom Yorke
I'm the Legendary Radio Head
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- Author Thom Yorke
I'm Chris Martin with down syndrome
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- Author Thom Yorke
Imagine? Yeah I can imagine John Lennon being dead.
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- Author Thom Yorke
I'm celibate. It's not that I'm a religious or moral person or anything, it's just, if you aren't ****ing Thom Yorke, what's the point? Actually, just kidding, Thom Yorke and I **** all the time. Hehehe. Had you.
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- Author Thom Yorke
It turns out I have clinical schizophrenia. The unborn chicken voices were telling me to kill my family.
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- Author Thom Yorke
Making music for Radiohead is like going to the bathroom, I'm just going to the bathroom constantly, and millions are watching me go to the bathroom.
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- Author Thom Yorke
I wanted to live with the ****ing manta rays, but they banned me from Sea World.
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- Author Thom Yorke
i'M nOT thOM yorkE but a. ROBOT.
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