394 Quotes by Thomas à Kempis
- Author Thomas à Kempis
On the day of judgment, it will be demanded of us not what we have read, but what we have done.
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- Author Thomas à Kempis
Be faithful to your secret place, and it will become your closest friend and bring you much comfort. In silence and stillness a devout person grows spiritually and learns the hidden things of the Bible. Tears shed there bring cleansing. God draws near to the one who withdraws for a while. It is better for you to look after yourself this way in private than to perform wonders in public while neglecting your soul.
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- Author Thomas à Kempis
The world promises things that are temporal and small, and it is served with great eagerness. I (Christ) promise things that are great and eternal, and the hearts of mortals are slow to stir.
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- Author Thomas à Kempis
Not everyone can have the same devotion. One exactly suits this person, another that. Different exercises, likewise, are suitable for different times, some for feast days and some again for weekdays. In time of temptation we need certain devotions. For days of rest and peace we need others. Some are suitable when we are sad, others when we are joyful in the Lord.
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- Author Thomas à Kempis
Любов не відчуває тягаря, не зважає на труди; вона більше хоче, ніж може; вона не жаліється на неможливість, бо вважає, що все можна і все вільно. Тим-то вона всесильна, творча і має успіх там, де слабне і впадає той, хто не любить. Любов не засипає і навіть у сні не задрімає. Вона в утомі не знемагається, утискові не дається пригнічувати себе, зі страху не бентежиться, а вибухає невпинним полум'ям і палаючим смолоскипом безпечно пробивається вгору. Хто любить, той знає вагу цього слова.
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- Author Thomas à Kempis
Nergens heb ik meer rust gevonden dan in bossen en boeken.
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- Author Thomas à Kempis
To-day man is, and to-morrow he will be seen no more. And being removed out of sight, quickly also he is out of mind. O the dulness and hardness of man's heart, which thinketh only of the present, and looketh not forward to the future. Thou oughtest in every deed and thought so to order thyself, as if thou wert to die this day.
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- Author Thomas à Kempis
Remember always your end, and that lost time does not return.
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- Author Thomas à Kempis
How seldom we weigh our neighbor in the same balance with ourselves.
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