76 Quotes by Thomas Stark
- Author Thomas Stark
Never forget, an argument isn’t wrong by line 1,000. It is wrong by the end of line 1. It is wrong in the first, defining claim it makes.
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- Author Thomas Stark
Get off your knees. Stand up. God is not outside you. You are God. And who can defeat an army of Gods? Escape your chains. What have you got to lose? Don’t you want to taste freedom? Don’t you want to step into the light? Don’t you want to be a heroic bearer of the sacred, ineffable starlight and the bright flame that can never be extinguished? Join us. Embrace the future.
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- Author Thomas Stark
God is not being. God is becoming. You yourself are becoming God. Shouldn't you start acting the part?
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- Author Thomas Stark
The basic rule of existence is that all eternal, necessary things are perfect. Via entering into temporal, contingent combinations, they produce combinatorial imperfection. Without perfection, nothing could exist. Without perfection there could be no imperfection. Such is the nature of Being and Becoming.
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- Author Thomas Stark
God’s perfection lies in the domain of Being. In the domain of Becoming, he is totally fragmented and on a mission to put himself back together again. God shatters himself into infinite pieces then puts them all back together again to make a perfect whole. We are all tiny images or reflections of God. We are all cells of God. We are all mirrors of God.
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- Author Thomas Stark
The task is not to unify with a pre-existing consciousness – a “God”. It is to become God, to create God consciousness from the universal unconscious. There is no conscious super-being (a Master, A Creator, an Other) standing separate from us. God is coming to consciousness through us. Each of us is an indispensable cell of the becoming God.
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- Author Thomas Stark
See behind the curtain. Tear aside the veil. See reality. See things as they really are. See the naked lunch on the end of your fork. Do you have the stomach for it? Fuck the bland. Fuck the Ignavi. If the game of life is too tough for you, get to fuck. Life is not a spectator sport. Make a difference or lie down and let the world trample you into the ground. This is no country for hollow men.
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- Author Thomas Stark
The paradigm shift is coming. It’s written into the dialectic. We are the pathfinders of the dialectic. We are the vanguard of the enlightenment. Someone has to be way ahead of the game to lead everyone else forward. The pioneers, the scouts, the adventurers, the radicals, the explorers, those that first step into the unknown along paths never trod before, surrounded everywhere by darkness, must be of exceptional character, boldness, curiosity and courage.
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- Author Thomas Stark
Boldness, boldness, always boldness. Join us. Join the advance guard of humanity. Join Higher Humanity, HyperHumanity. We are the plan, we are the future. Our sacred cause is to make humanity divine. We are here to enlighten the world, to immanentize the eschaton on earth, to create the community of gods, the society of the divine. We are the Protogenoi, the first generation of the coming gods and goddesses. It is our solemn duty to create all the other gods and goddesses.
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