109 Quotes by Thomas Wolfe

  • Author Thomas Wolfe
  • Quote

    He saw now that you can’t go home again – not ever. There was no road back.

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  • Author Thomas Wolfe
  • Quote

    Finally, only thirty or forty million years before, our earliest ancestors had crawled out of the primeval slime; and then, no doubt, finding the change unpleasant, crawled back in again.

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  • Author Thomas Wolfe
  • Quote

    Could I make tongue say more than tongue could utter! Could I make brain grasp more than brain could think! Could I weave into immortal denseness some small brede of words, pluck out of sunken depths the roots of living, some hundred thousand magic words that were as great as all my hunger, and hurl the sum of all my living out upon three hundred pages – then death could take my life, for I had lived it ere he took it: I had slain hunger, beaten death!

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  • Author Thomas Wolfe
  • Quote

    Fiction is not fact, but fiction is fact selected and understood, fiction is fact arranged and charged with purpose.

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  • Author Thomas Wolfe
  • Quote

    The traveller gets out, walks up and down the platform, sees the vast slow flare and steaming of the mighty engine, rushes into the station, and looks into the faces of all the people passing with the same sense of instant familiarity, greeting, and farewell, – that lonely, strange, and poignantly wordless feeling that Americans know so well.

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  • Author Thomas Wolfe
  • Quote

    And she did not weep for herself, but for him: the hour after his birth she had looked in his dark eyes and had seen something that would brood there eternally, she knew, unfathomable wells of remote and intangible loneliness: she knew that in her dark and sorrowful womb a stranger had come to life, fed by the lost communications of eternity, his own ghost, haunter of his own house, lonely to himself and to the world. O lost.

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  • Author Thomas Wolfe
  • Quote

    I had not yet learned that one cannot really be superior without humility and tolerance and human understanding. I did not yet know that in order to belong to a rare and higher breed one must first develop the true power and talent of selfless immolation.

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