732 Quotes by Timothy Pina
- Author Timothy Pina
The Peace Panda Says:Sorry China,You May Take Tibetan Lives...But You Will Never Take Away Tibet's Spirit!One Day...TIBET Will Be FREE!✌
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- Author Timothy Pina
Humanity Must SAVE Tibet!
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- Author Timothy Pina
STOP talking about your dreams and just go out and live them. Life is way too short...what are you waiting for?
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- Author Timothy Pina
Every chance you get...SHINE YOUR LIGHT!Because your haters will always hate it!
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- Author Timothy Pina
Rise baby rise. Don't let the bad things happening in your life...keep you down. Bring the warrior out of your soul and keep moving forward in life. Don't look back at the pain. Look forward to the joy and pleasure ahead. Great things are awaiting for you down the road...if you believe!
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- Author Timothy Pina
Stay far away from problematic people. In life...when a person is drowing they will try and pull the person closest to them down with them to save themselves.
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- Author Timothy Pina
Try never to find humor in peoples dismay and misfortune...so that they won't find humor in yours✌
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- Author Timothy Pina
Peace is always worth the cost!
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- Author Timothy Pina
If you want to EMPOWER our future...start TEACHING our young!
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