209 Quotes by Tina Brown

"The question for Obama is how he can rein in the furies of populism while making us all feel the malefactors of great wealth are being sufficiently punished."


"Captain Richard Phillips of the good ship Maersk Alabama - and Sully Sullenberger splashing down his crippled airliner in the Hudson River - broke through the poisonous smog of economic depression and Wall Street skullduggery with a reminder that pure individual heroism is a daily occurrence if we know where to look for it."


"When Obama dispenses with that dread sobriquet 'professorial,' he does it by being, well, more professorial."


"There are a multitude of mothers in the world who have a daughter who is stolen, or who are stolen daughters themselves."


"With so many part-time people on - and not on - the job, corporate America has started to feel like it's on a permanent maternity leave. Colleagues are an amorphous, free-floating army of rotating waifs whose voicemails are clogged with plaintive requests from their own offices for missing information."


"Even as the whole world tries to hang on to its job, there is also this weird parallel sense - almost a covert longing - that the old corrupt structures on which that job depends needs to be, ought to be, swept away."


"There is nothing radical about Obama except the fact of who he is."


"I think British journalists do well in America because the newspaper culture there is so strong - telling stories and presenting them readably is in their DNA. British newspapers get a terrible rap, but they are brilliant in their presentation, most of them, so full of vitality and literary wit."


"We've heard a lot in recent polemic about how to win the fight for the corner office. But pushing up against a glass ceiling is practically a luxury when you consider the millions of women who can feel the floor dropping beneath their feet."


"The rights of women are to the 21st century what civil rights were to the 20th."
