199 Quotes by Titon Rahmawan

"In life, I believe there are no coincidences. Everything happens for one reason or more. Everyone headed for their respective destiny. On what they choose. On what they do. Often not what they want. That's motive what moves us to discover the essence of life. To find the trully truth. The truth that moves life."


"Enjoying life does not have to do extraordinary things by spending a lot of money. Spending a quality time together with our loved ones is the best way to enjoy life."


"When a person cannot see his own darkness, he is not free. He was only free, if he could escape from the shadows that shaded him. This is like the story of little Bruce Wayne who fell into a well and as an adult transformed into the figure of Batman."


"No! We don't have to lie for good reason. Whatever the reason, lies are lies. And there is not a single lie that leaves no scars. It will always be painful."


"Humans think with all their efforts to make them enlightened. What we often forget and don't realize is that enlightenment is not the fruit of human effort. That might only come as a blessing. As a gift."


"Aku akan terus terkenang dan berterimakasih kepada guru guruku. Karena tanpa mereka, aku tidak akan mungkin menjadi diriku yang sekarang."


"Berkat terbesar bagi seorang guru adalah ketika ia terus diingat, bukan karena jasa atau pengabdian atau apapun. Melainkan atas andil dan pemberiannya yang tulus dan tanpa pamrih bagi pembentukan karakter seseorang."


"Guru yang bijak tidak menjadikan murid muridnya menjadi seperti burung beo atau bebek bebek yang hanya mampu mengekor dan mengikuti apa yang ia perintahkan. Guru yang bijak, membangun kreativitas dan kemandirian. Bukan cuma mencetak anak anak yang cerdas secara intelektual. Tapi juga anak anak yang berakhlak mulia, berbudi luhur, memiliki empati, tanggap dan peduli kepada sesama."


"Sesungguhnya, dari sekian banyak profesi -guru, menanggung beban yang teramat berat. Karena harkat dan keluhuran seorang guru seringkali dinilai dari watak dan perilaku murid-muridnya."


"How do we want to understand goodness if we do not know the bad and the evil? Perhaps therein lies the mystery of human existence. How the Truth is about to reveal itself, so that people think, that to find the truth people must test the true quality of goodness. Because, only from the goodness, we will find the trully truth."
