3 Quotes by Tolkien J.R.R.
- Author Tolkien J.R.R.
Now he will ever remember thee in the sun of morning, and that last evening by the water of Aeluin in which he saw thy face mirrored with a star caught in thy hair -ever, until the North-wind brings the night of his flame. Yea, and after that, sitting in the House of Mandos in the Halls of Awaiting until the end of Arda.
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- Author Tolkien J.R.R.
For myself, I find I become less cynical rather than more--remembering my own sins and follies; and realize that men's hearts are not often as bad as their acts, and very seldom as bad as their words.
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- Author Tolkien J.R.R.
„Mi-ar plăcea să salvez ținutul ăsta, dacă-mi stă în putință - chiar dacă au fost vremuri când i-am socotit pe locuitorii lui mai nătângi și mai grei de cap decât o pot spune vorbele, și când mă bătea gândul că un cutremur sau o năvală a dragonilor le-ar prinde bine.
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