115 Quotes by Tom Fitton

  • Author Tom Fitton
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    Judicial Watch has taken the lead nationwide in defending state voter ID laws and other commonsense election integrity measures, filing amicus briefs in the Supreme Court and in several circuit courts of appeal and trial courts.

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  • Author Tom Fitton
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    Illegal aliens have broken our laws, and they shouldn't be rewarded with amnesty and immediate legalization.

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  • Author Tom Fitton
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    Over the years, Judicial Watch reported on the many times Hillary and Bill Clinton used her position as secretary of state to reward their friends and line the coffers of their own foundation.

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  • Author Tom Fitton
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    Back in 2005, Judicial Watch uncovered a Border Patrol survey conducted by the Bush administration in 2004 to determine what impact amnesty would have on illegal immigration. Want to take a guess at the outcome? Even the rumor of Mr. Bush's amnesty program led to a sharp spike in illegal immigration.

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  • Author Tom Fitton
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    There may be no better way to keep on eye on our leaders' penchant for pretending to royalty than to tally the cost of their travel and accommodations.

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  • Author Tom Fitton
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    Our nation has granted its presidents exquisite transport because we need our leaders to be efficient and safe. However, we don't need for them to luxuriate on our tax dollars.

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  • Author Tom Fitton
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    President Obama has now had his Nixonian 'I'm not a crook' moment, taking to the airwaves to feign angry indignation about the Internal Revenue Service targeting his enemies while denying any knowledge whatsoever of what his administration had been up to.

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  • Author Tom Fitton
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    For eight long years, the Obamas spent our tax dollars for a lavish jet-setting lifestyle.

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  • Author Tom Fitton
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    Clearly, dirty election rolls can mean dirty elections.

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