115 Quotes by Tom Fitton

  • Author Tom Fitton
  • Quote

    We rely on our voter registration studies to warn states that they are failing to comply with the requirements of the National Voter Registration Act of 1993, which requires states to make reasonable efforts to clean their voter rolls. We can and have sued to enforce compliance with federal law.

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  • Author Tom Fitton
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    Susan Rice has as much trouble with her memory as Hillary Clinton.

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  • Author Tom Fitton
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    Threats to the rule of law come not only from rioters and looters in the streets, but also from activist judges on the bench.

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  • Author Tom Fitton
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    The consequences of turning a blind eye to government corruption go far beyond simply letting some corrupt politicians and bureaucrats walk free.

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  • Author Tom Fitton
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    Rep. Ilhan Omar, a Democrat from Minnesota, is in the news often because of her racially inflammatory anti-Semitic views, including her support for a terrorist front group.

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  • Author Tom Fitton
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    More than a few Republicans in the United States Senate seem to have contracted a severe case of what Harry Truman called 'Potomac Fever' (wanting to go along to get along in Washington).

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  • Author Tom Fitton
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    President Barack Obama's decision to provide amnesty for hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens under the DACA program was unlawful, and the court interfered with President Trump's duty and absolute right to rescind it.

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  • Author Tom Fitton
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    The Constitution's Emoluments Clause bars the president from earning any compensation from a foreign government. Mr. Trump ought to consider a partial disinvestment from his company by either selling outright or rejecting the proceeds of any stakes with foreign government partners.

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  • Author Tom Fitton
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    Only Congress can amend the law, not President Obama nor the courts.

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