84 Quotes by Tom Herman

  • Author Tom Herman
  • Quote

    It's the human condition. We gravitate to what's easy, things that are comfortable, convenient, pain-free, self-serving.

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  • Author Tom Herman
  • Quote

    I delete the Twitter app during the season.

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  • Author Tom Herman
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    I've seen really, really talented teams that don't care about each other and are average, maybe above average is about as good as you're going to get.

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  • Author Tom Herman
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    The University of Texas is a place, a special place, that deservedly holds a seat among college football elite.

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  • Author Tom Herman
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    My wife and I made a pact a long time ago we really don't give gifts on holidays. We figure if it's coming from the same bank account, why not take each other out for the day shopping or whatever.

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  • Author Tom Herman
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    Pressure is self-doubt when you're unprepared.

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  • Author Tom Herman
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    Recruiting is all about relationships, it's not really about the facilities or the schools involved.

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  • Author Tom Herman
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    I want my kids to win. Winners get the corner office, the big house, the hot wife, the whole nine.

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  • Author Tom Herman
  • Quote

    We have to learn how to manage expectations.

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