911 Quotes by Tom Robbins

"Our religion, our party, our tribe, our town, our school, our race, our nation. Believe. Belong. Behave. Or Be damned."


"Perhaps sound carries farther across time than across space."


"I love myself,” he said. “But it’s unrequited."


"Oh, Marx,′ Amanda sighed. ‘You’re so melodramatic. So what if it’s this way or that way? When I was in convent school I used to stare out the windows at the clouds. I used to chase butterflies in the Mother Superior’s flower patch. Those clouds and those butterflies, they didn’t know secular from religious – and they didn’t care.’ ‘I’m neither a cloud nor a butterlfy,’ I snapped. ‘We’re all the same as clouds and butterflies. We just pretend to be something different."


"Her hair was as straight and red as ironed ketchup. Her astonishingly round breast jiggled ever so slightly, like balls balanced on the noses of Valium eating seals."


"If God didn’t prefer for us to drink at night, he wouldn’t have made neon!"


"Reality is contradictory. And it’s paradoxical."


"A lot of aspiring writers are all ready to write a novel, but they don’t know how to write sentences."


"It might be noted here that Freudian analysts of fairy tales have suggested that kissing toads and frogs is symbolized fellatio. In that regard, Princess Leigh-Cheri was, on a conscious level, innocent, although not so naive as Queen Tilli, who thought fellatio was an obscure Italian opera and was annoyed that she couldn’t find the score."


"Life isn’t simple; it’s overwhelmingly complex. The love of simplicity is an escapist drug, like alcohol."
