305 Quotes by Tove Jansson

"Oh!” said Moominmamma with a start, “I believe those were mice disappearing into the cellar. Sniff, run down with a little milk for them.” Then she caught sight of the suitcase which stood by the steps. “Luggage too,” thought Moominmamma. “Dear me – then they’ve come to stay.” And she went off to look for Moominpappa to ask him to put up two more beds – very, very small ones."


"Once a year the Hattifatteners collect there before setting out again on their endless foraging expedition round the world. They come from all points of the compass, silent and serious with their small, white empty faces, and why they hold this yearly meeting it is difficult to say, as they can neither hear nor speak, and have no object in life but the distant goal of their journey’s end. Perhaps they like to have a place where they feel at home and can rest a little and meet friends."


"We’ll always keep our bangles in brown pond water in the future. They’re so much more beautiful that way."


"But that’s how it is when you start wanting to have things. Now, I just look at them, and when I go away I carry them in my head. Then my hands are always free, because I don’t have to carry a suitcase."


"Moomintroll’s mother and father always welcomed all their friends in the same quiet way, just adding another bed and putting another leaf in the dining-room table. And so Moominhouse was rather full – a place where everyone did what they liked and seldom worried about tomorrow. Very often unexpected and disturbing things used to happen, but nobody ever had time to be bored, and that is always a good thing."


"He didn’t remember, he didn’t worry, he just was."


"She started thinking about all the euphemisms for death, all the anxious taboos that had always fascinated her. It was too bad you could never have an intelligent discussion on the subject. People were either too young or too old, or else they didn’t have time."


"The promises made by a guilty conscience acknowledge and settle no debts..."


"That’s strange, Grandmother thought. I can’t describe things any more. I can’t find the words, or maybe it’s just that I’m not trying hard enough. It was such a long time ago. No one here was even born. And unless I tell it because I want to, it’s as if it never happened; it gets closed off and then it’s lost."


"The hemulen woke up slowly and recognised himself and wished he had been someone he didn’t know."
