305 Quotes by Tove Jansson
"One by one, the snowflakes floated down on to his warm snout, and melted. He reached out to grab them so he could admire them for a fleeting moment. He looked towards the sky and watched them drift down towards him, more and more, soft and light as a feather. ‘So that’s how it works,’ thought Moomintroll. ‘And I thought somehow that the snow grew from the ground up!"
"När Fredrikson avlöste mig vid rodret i gryningen nämnde jag i förbigående Joxarens förvånande och fullkomliga brist på intresse för omgivningen. Hm, sade Fredrikson. Kanske han tvärtom bryr sig om allting? Lite lugnt och lagom. Vi bryr oss om en enda sak. Du vill bli. Jag vill göra. Mitt brorsbarn vill ha. Men Joxaren bara lever."
"This has completely disturbed my peace," he complained. "A philosopher should be protected against the rude happenings of everyday life.""Never mind," said Moominmamma, consolingly. "You'll soon feel better.""But I do mind," said the Muskrat peevishly. "Never any peace ... " And he mumbled on."