57 Quotes by Tracey Bond
- Author Tracey Bond
Life is worth living when God throws His Divine dice in your favor. HE has slow-stirred my life with Wisdom and discernment about all manners of people; which is no secret agent in my soul sauce, it brings flavor to the taste buds of God's blessings in my life with extra side orders of favor.
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- Author Tracey Bond
There is no true loss in authentic growth, only the natural process of letting go, outgrowing, pruning. The call of the next level requires it. Those who resist the connective opportunities that life brings to grow to their next level, never reach the mental maturity height to acquire it...even when they think they are on the path, their gap in understanding leaves them stuck where they left off, usually on a deadmilled-treadmill.
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- Author Tracey Bond
Summer ain't over till my glow says so!
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- Author Tracey Bond
Love is a viral vibration, infect others with it without regard, that it may spread epidemically, boosting the immunity of a humanity that could deafen the sound of hate, only the diseased soul makes.
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- Author Tracey Bond
Only you and your soul...the invisible gut can discern what qualifies as good people for your circle of living...the heart beats to a temperamental drum and emotions are deceitful above all measuring devices.
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- Author Tracey Bond
Unfortunately there is no vaccination to protect the soul from the menacing disease of social ignorance manifested by character-void homosapiens.
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- Author Tracey Bond
Regardless of how people divide people by color, social code, and category, the equality of one human being to the next (civilized or otherwise) is a tethered-rope of human emotions; most are born with them taut, some learn to twist them, and still others fight daily to keep theirs from unravelling.
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- Author Tracey Bond
When speaking publicly, it is wise to communicate mindfully in the presence of silent listening eyes...
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- Author Tracey Bond
Life is worth living when God throws His Divine dice in your favor. HE has slow-stirred my life with Wisdom and discernment about all manners of people; which is no secret agent in my soul sauce, it brings flavour to the taste buds of God's blessings in my life with extra side orders of favor.
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