14 Quotes by Tracey Garvis Graves

  • Author Tracey Garvis Graves
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    Though she has trouble deciphering other people's facial expressions, her face is an open book and no one would ever have trouble understanding hers. I've always wondered if she exaggerates them to help people understand what she's thinking, the way she wishes they would for her. I find it endearing.

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  • Author Tracey Garvis Graves
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    As the words tumble from her mouth, she looks down at her shoes, over my shoulder, toward the barista. Anywhere but at me. I don't mind. Annika's mannerisms are like slipping into a comfortable pair of shoes, and though I feel bad admitting it, even to myself, her nervousness has always made me feel at ease.

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  • Author Tracey Garvis Graves
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    It's hard to see at first because it's dark, but there's a cardboard box, and in it are a cat and five small kittens. I don't have any pets, and if I had to choose, I'd probably consider myself a dog person. But I can't deny how cute the kittens are. The love Annika feels for these tiny animals transforms her face, and I'm reminded of how protective and nurturing she can be.

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  • Author Tracey Garvis Graves
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    All I wanted was to show you that I've changed. That I'm not the same person I was in college." She sounds defeated."Well, guess what? You haven't changed all that much. You're still the same girl I fell in love with at twenty-two. And here's a newsflash: I like that girl and always have, and I never once said I wanted her to change.

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  • Author Tracey Garvis Graves
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    I never know what people are thinking. It's like visiting a country where you don't speak the language and you're trying so hard to understand but no matter how many times you ask for juice, they keep bringing you milk.

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