24 Quotes by Tracy Anne Warren

  • Author Tracy Anne Warren
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    She hovered, her fine-boned face and slender form revealed in the low light of the fire. Her hair was the pale blond hue of moon glow, her eyes the soft, silvery blue of a mist-shrouded lake. Dusted pink as new blush roses, the color of her lips and cheeks gleamed against the creamy whiteness of her skin. For a second he wondered if she was a phantom brought on by too much drink, her ethereal beauty more in keeping with a faerie story than reality.

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  • Author Tracy Anne Warren
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    Of all her rather unremarkable features, her eyes were her strong point, despite being partially hidden behind a pair of spectacles. A gentle blue-grey, their color shifted in the most interesting manner from gentian to pewter depending upon the light. He supposed most people never noticed such subtle variations, thinking her irises to be either plain grey or ordinary blue, but he'd found himself intrigued; more so than he might have expected after such a brief encounter.

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  • Author Tracy Anne Warren
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    He'd already gone beyond what he planned for their first true meeting, forgetting himself long enough to trade innuendos a more experienced woman would have recognized for what they were. Instead, Grace Danvers had blushed and looked unsure, of both herself and her reactions.In those moments, he'd found her adorable.And kissable.And far too innocent.

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  • Author Tracy Anne Warren
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    So, what brings you here, of all places? This hardly seems like your sort of diversion."One mahogany brow arched skyward, an amused glint sparkling in his eyes. "Ah, Miss Danvers, there you go again, deciding what does and does not suit me. Whenever shall you learn?"She flushed slightly at his amused rebuke.

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  • Author Tracy Anne Warren
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    Almost imperceptibly, he moved closer, the warmth of his body radiating outward, together with his own mesmerizing scent- clean and male and uniquely him. "What fragrance are you wearing?" he asked."Nothing. I don't wear perfume, at least not often."He inched nearer still, his voice lowering to a murmur. "You're just naturally sweet then, are you? Exactly as I expected.

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  • Author Tracy Anne Warren
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    I am sure you are only being modest. Particularly if you like such serious pastimes as botany lectures and books. I can't see the point to either, but dear Grace loves anything that exercises her mind."Lord Jack turned his head, his jewel-colored eyes meeting Grace's over the top of her aunt's bonnet. "Nothing wrong with a bit of exercise for the mind. Or the body."Warmth swirled abruptly to life within her. Anxious to extinguish the flame, Grace looked away.

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  • Author Tracy Anne Warren
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    Entrancing in a gown of vibrant green silk, Grace radiated femininity, but not the frail, tepid sort borne by so many of her sex. She was bold and colorful- her lush red hair providing a perfect foil for the crisp apple green of her dress. Looking over at her, his mouth watered at the thought of taking a big juicy bite.

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  • Author Tracy Anne Warren
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    Leaning forward, he dusted a kiss over her lips, his touch light and sensuous. Her eyes closed, wonder and delight shimmering through her like faerie dust- dreams wrapping her in their silken hold."You love me, Grace." His mouth brushed against hers. "That's what you said last night. You meant it, did you not?"Her eyes opened, locking on his. "Yes, I meant it," she said in a hushed tone. "Of course, I love you.

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  • Author Tracy Anne Warren
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    Jack kissed her long and deep, with a driving need that radiated all the way to his bones. Pausing, he took an extra moment to breathe in the honeyed fragrance of her skin, to taste the sweet flavor of her tongue as it slid like hot, damp silk against his own.He shuddered from the pleasure, relishing the sensations as though they were manna from heaven.

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