24 Quotes by Tracy Anne Warren

  • Author Tracy Anne Warren
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    Somehow, without her awareness, she'd obviously sought him out during the night, curling around him like a vine while she'd slumbered. Mortified, she tried to pull away. "I-I'm sorry. I didn't realize... that is, I didn't mean to... to...""Sleep on me?" he drawled, his words slow and husky.Opening her mouth, she tried to speak, but nothing came out. She nodded instead."Don't worry." He smiled. "You make a very nice blanket.

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  • Author Tracy Anne Warren
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    Grace.Her name whispered through Jack's mind like the silken stroke of a hand.He'd never seen her look as pretty as she did tonight, the vibrant bronze hue of her gown lending her skin a creamy luminosity, her hair gleaming a rich, fiery red that reminded him of living flame.And passion.He wondered if that same intense fire lay hidden inside her, and he relished the idea of finding out.

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  • Author Tracy Anne Warren
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    But what if I were another kind of man? What if I were the sort to have taken advantage of our unusual situation? You must realize, Miss Amberley, that had I wished, I might have done almost anything to you by now."A startled laugh escaped her lips. "Are you saying you might have murdered me in my bed? Do not be ridiculous, my lord.""I wasn't thinking about murder, but beds would definitely have been involved.

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  • Author Tracy Anne Warren
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    Am I so desperate I must accept any gentleman who is not a villain or a gargoyle?

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  • Author Tracy Anne Warren
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    W-what was that?” Rather than responding, he lifted a brow, schooling his features into a calmness that hid the violent need still coursing through his body. “I-I mean I know what it was,” she went on in a breathless voice that made shivers run down his spine. “But why? Why did you k-kiss me?” She looked utterly and completely bewildered. “Because, my sweet,” he drawled in a smooth tone, “you looked as if you needed to be.

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  • Author Tracy Anne Warren
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    A tender smile softened his face. “That would be Esme. She’s nine and a delight. I haven’t seen much of her these past few years, but she writes me letters. Sends me drawings as well. I have a likeliness of every cat, hound, and horse she’s ever met, and considering the menagerie she keeps in the country at Clybourne, that’s a great many indeed.

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