250 Quotes by Trent Reznor

  • Author Trent Reznor
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    I’m just trying to figure out the right balance between making fans feel good and also maintaining some dignity for myself in the process.

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  • Author Trent Reznor
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    I think the whole aspect of social networking is vulgar and repulsive in a lot of ways. But I also see why it's appealing - I've had that little high you get from posting stuff online. But then you think, 'Did I need to say that?' I've explored that enough to know to stay kind of quiet these days.

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  • Author Trent Reznor
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    I think there's something strangely musical about noise.

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  • Author Trent Reznor
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    I found that when I was putting my own music out, with my Twitter feed as the pure marketing budget, I'm preaching to the choir.

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  • Author Trent Reznor
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    In my life, I was always floating around the edge of the dark side and saying what if take it a little bit too far, and who says you have to stop there, and what's behind the next door. Maybe you gain a wisdom from examining those things. But after a while, you get too far down in the quicksand.

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