823 Quotes by Umberto Eco

  • Author Umberto Eco
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    Two very beautiful naked girls are crouched facing each other. They touch each other sensually, they kiss each other's breasts lightly, with the tip of the tongue.

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  • Author Umberto Eco
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    The bad architect, addicted to aestheticism, is vexed because a door must be hung on a hinge, and redesigns the latter so that it appears ‘beautiful’ as it performs its function; and by doing this he finds that the door often creaks, jams, and will not open or opens badly. The good architect on the other hand wants the door to open and reveal other spaces, and after having redesigned everything in the building, he does not care if he has to rely on the eternal wisdom of the ironmonger.

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  • Author Umberto Eco
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    For architecture, among all the arts, is the one that most boldly tries to reproduce in its rhythm the order of the universe, which the ancients called "kosmos," that is to say ornate, since it is like a great animal on whom there shine the perfection and the proportion of all its members.

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  • Author Umberto Eco
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    „Wer nicht liest, wird mit 70 Jahren nur ein einziges Leben gelebt haben: Sein eigenes. Wer liest, wird 5000 Jahre gelebt haben: Er war dabei, als Kain Abel tötete, als Renzo Lucia heiratete, als Leopardi die Unendlichkeit bewunderte. Denn Lesen ist eine Unsterblichkeit nach hinten.“– "Der Name der Rose" (S. 124 bis 130) von Umberto Eco

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  • Author Umberto Eco
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    Wo er einen Kopf haben sollte, hat er einen alten Bücherschrank. Einen wurmstichigen.

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  • Author Umberto Eco
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    Privado de vuestra mirada soy ciego pues no me veis, mudo pues no me hablàis, desmemoriado pues de mì no acordàis

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  • Author Umberto Eco
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    «Los perdedores y los autodidactas siempre saben mucho más que los ganadores. Si quieres ganar, tienes que concentrarte en un solo objetivo, y más te vale no perder el tiempo en saber más: el placer de la erudición está reservado a los perdedores.»

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