823 Quotes by Umberto Eco

  • Author Umberto Eco
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    كان رجال العهود الغابرة وسيمي الطلعة طويلي القامة و الآن أصبحوا أطفالاً و أقزاماً وليس هذا إلا دليلاً من جملة أدلة أخرى كثيرة تشهد بتعاسة عالم يسير نحو الهرم

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  • Author Umberto Eco
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    عندما يخطئ الراعي ينبغي إبعاده عن بقية الرعاة ، ولكن الويل إذا ما أخذت النعاج ترتاب في الرعاة

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  • Author Umberto Eco
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    You cannot change the world with ideas. People with few ideas are less likely to make mistakes; they follow what everyone else does and are no trouble to anyone; they're successful, make money, find good jobs, enter politics, receive honours; they become famous writers, academics, journalists. Can anyone who is so good at looking after their own interests really be stupid? I'm the stupid one, the one who wanted to go tilting at windmills.

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  • Author Umberto Eco
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    Dios ha muerto, el arte dejó de existir, la historia ha llegado a su fin, y yo mismo no me siento del todo bien.

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  • Author Umberto Eco
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    Dostoevsky was writing about losers. The main character of The Iliad, Hector, is a loser. It’s very boring to talk about winners. The real literature always talks about losers. Madame Bovary is a loser. Julien Sorel is a loser. I am doing only the same job. Losers are more fascinating. Winners are stupid … because usually they win by chance

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  • Author Umberto Eco
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    Oysa şimdi, dünyanın zararsız bir bilmece olduğunu, ardında bir gerçek varmış gibi onu açıklamaya kalkışma çılgınlığımızın onu korkunçlaştırdığına inanıyorum.

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  • Author Umberto Eco
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    Librat nuk janë bërë për tu besuar, por për t’u hetuar. Kur lexojmë një libër nuk duhet të pyesim veten çfarë thotë, por çfarë nënkupton

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