823 Quotes by Umberto Eco

  • Author Umberto Eco
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    Her ne olursa olsun, kurmaca yapıtlar okumaktan vazgeçmeyeceğiz, çünkü onlarda yaşamımıza bir anlam verecek formülü aramaktayız. Sonuçta, yaşamımız süresince, bize neden dünyaya geldiğimizi ve yaşadığımızı söyleyecek bir ilk öykünün arayışı içindeyiz. Kimi zaman kozmik bir öykü arıyoruz, evrenin öyküsünü, kimi zaman kendi bireysel öykümüzü. Kimi zaman da kendi bireysel öykümüzü evrenin öyküsüyle çakıştırmayı umuyoruz.

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  • Author Umberto Eco
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    Whatever the rhythm was, luck rewarded us, because, wanting connections, we found connections — always, everywhere, and between everything. The world exploded in a whirling network of kinships, where everything pointed to everything else, everything explained everything else…

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  • Author Umberto Eco
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    Il sonno diurno è come il peccato della carne: più se ne è avuto più se ne vorrebbe, eppure ci si sente infelici, sazi e insaziati allo stesso tempo.

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  • Author Umberto Eco
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    Beware of faking: people will believe you. People believe those who sell lotions that make lost hair grow back. They sense instinctively that the salesman is putting together truths that don't go together, that he's not being logical, that he's not speaking in good faith. But they've been told that God is mysterious, unfathomable, so to them incoherence is the closest thing to God. The farfetched is the closest thing to miracle.

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  • Author Umberto Eco
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    There always exists a context that is capable of reproposing as new a codified catachresis or dead metaphor.

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  • Author Umberto Eco
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    Do we really have to talk about professionalism? Everyone here is a professional. A master builder who puts up a wall that hasn't collapsed is certainly acting professionally, but professionalism ought to be the norm, and we should only be talking about the dodgy builder who puts up a wall that doesn't collapse....This insistence on professionalism, that it is something special, makes it sound as if people are generally lousy workers.

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  • Author Umberto Eco
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    Duchamp stuck a moustache on the Mona Lisa, but he needed a Mona Lisa to stick the moustache on; and in order to deny that he was painting a pipe, Magritte had to paint a meticulously realistic pipe.

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