823 Quotes by Umberto Eco

  • Author Umberto Eco
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    The worst diagnosticians of every epoch are its contemporaries.

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  • Author Umberto Eco
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    Φτωχοκαλόγερε της βράκας μου, Μινορίτικη πορδή!""Δεν είμαι Μινορίτης φτωχοκαλόγερος! Είμαι μοναχός Σάνκτι Μπενεντίκτι! Μέρντα στα μούτρα σου, σκατο-βογόμιλε!""Βογόμιλη είναι η ξεκωλιάρα που της χώνεις το αιρετικό καυλί σου κάθε βράδυ, γουρούνι!

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  • Author Umberto Eco
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    Aspirar a algo que no tendrás jamás, ¿es ésta la agudeza del más generoso entre los deseos?

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  • Author Umberto Eco
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    Cu cât îmbătrânesc, cu atât mă las mai mult în voia lui Dumnezeu, şi preţuiesc tot mai puţin inteligenţa care vrea să ştie şi voinţa care vrea să facă; şi recunosc ca singură cale spre mântuire credinţa, care ştie să aştepte cu răbdare, fără să întrebe prea mult.

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  • Author Umberto Eco
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    Священна війна - се однаково війна. Тому, мабуть, священних війн бути не повинно

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  • Author Umberto Eco
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    ...weil er die Abtei führt, als wäre sie eine Zitadelle zur Verteidigung der Bibliothek.

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  • Author Umberto Eco
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    Zawsze tak jest - jeśli ci sie nie powiedzie, szukasz kogoś, aby oskarżając go, usprawiedliwić własne niedołęstwo.

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  • Author Umberto Eco
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    [U.Eco habla de la época greco-latina]: No es que no hayan existido mujeres que filosofaran. Es que los filósofos han preferido olvidarlas, tal vez después de haberse apropiado de sus ideas /[U. Eco is talking about the Greco-Latin era]; It is not that there had not been women philosophers. It is that male philosophers have preferred to forget them, perhaps after having appropriated their ideas.

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