99 Quotes by Valerie Plame

  • Author Valerie Plame
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    Hillary stood with us, as she has stood with so many over the years, and we are proud to stand with her for our country now.

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  • Author Valerie Plame
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    I think the Bush Administration was bound and determined on regime change, and we will be paying the price of that for some time to come.

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  • Author Valerie Plame
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    I'm not terribly confrontational, but I've gotten better at holding my ground.

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  • Author Valerie Plame
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    I want to shine a spotlight on showing how dangerous Trump and his Twitter button can be.

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  • Author Valerie Plame
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    I was working for the CIA and prohibited from speaking publicly.

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  • Author Valerie Plame
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    The entire intelligence community is so bloated and so reliant on contractors. There's no question there's many tasks that make sense to outsource, and yet, we have followed blindly this dogma that if it's private contracting, it must be better.

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  • Author Valerie Plame
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    After I resigned, I could eventually speak for myself, but when it first happened, I was in complete shock, and it took a long time for me to overcome it.

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  • Author Valerie Plame
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    I can tell you, all the intelligence services in the world were running my name through their databases to see did anyone by this name come in the country? When? Do we know anything about it? Where did she stay? Who did she see?

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  • Author Valerie Plame
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    Hair and make-up always helps. I did always try to be well-groomed, professional at all times. Take your job seriously - but not yourself.

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