214 Quotes by Vernon Howard

  • Author Vernon Howard
  • Quote

    Personal power gives you a sense of accomplishment. It enables you to live fully and zestfully. It provides you with a mature reason for liking yourself better. To state it another way, it is the mark of a healthy and well-adjusted individual to seek self-advancement by mastering his human relations.

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  • Author Vernon Howard
  • Quote

    The fact is, everything we want or yearn for is won through other people. No man on an island is happy; he is merely existing. The joyous life is the one filled with rich relationships.

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  • Author Vernon Howard
  • Quote

    Start your day in a upward direction, and the rest of the day will follow the uphill path.

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  • Author Vernon Howard
  • Quote

    Evil is an attack against human spiritual development and enlightenment. All evil, badness, neurosis - it has one motive and one motive only, which is to destroy - to destroy your chance of arising above yourself.

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  • Author Vernon Howard
  • Quote

    Truth never pleads or compromises or wavers. It invites and awaits your acceptance.

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  • Author Vernon Howard
  • Quote

    When you're young, you don't have much sense. You don't have any reasoning power. You don't have any ability to take a blow, an insult, a hurt in the right way. There is no way a child can do that. All a child can do is feel the pang of it, the heartache of it.

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  • Author Vernon Howard
  • Quote

    You are not condemned for anything, but you are also not excused from anything. See these two ideas together at the same time, and a powerful third force for self-awakening is created.

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  • Author Vernon Howard
  • Quote

    The following terms all mean one and the same thing: God, goodness, mental health, truth, decency, happiness, freedom, reality, peace, love, sensibleness.

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