1,711 Quotes by Victor Hugo

  • Author Victor Hugo
  • Quote

    Nous ne sommes pas de ceux qui flattent la guerre; quand l'occasion s'en présente, nous lui disons ses vérités. La guerre a d'affreuses beautés que nous n'avons point cachées; elle a aussi, convenons-en, quelques laideurs. Une des plus surprenantes, c'est le prompt dépouillement des morts après la victoire. L'aube qui suit une bataille se lève toujours sur des cadavres nus.

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  • Author Victor Hugo
  • Quote

    Amare o aver amato basta: non chiedete nulla in seguito, perché non si possono trovare altre perle fra le pieghe tenebrose della vita.

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  • Author Victor Hugo
  • Quote

    God will bless you,' said he, 'you are an angel since you take care of the flowers.''No,' she replied. 'I am the devil, but that's all the same to me.

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  • Author Victor Hugo
  • Quote

    In this age devoted to completing the French Revolution and to beginning the Human Revolution, equality between the sexes being part of equality between men, a great woman was needed. Woman had to prove that she could have all our manly qualities without losing her angelic ones: that she could be strong without ceasing to be gentle: George Sand is that proof. . . . she bequeathes to us the right of woman which draws its proof from woman's genius.. . . Thus the Revolution is fulfilled.

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  • Author Victor Hugo
  • Quote

    Kažu da je ropstvo iščezlo iz evropske civilizacije. Zabluda je to. On još uvijek postoji, ali sada tlači samo ženu i zove se prostitucija.

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  • Author Victor Hugo
  • Quote

    Les grands périls ont cela de beau qu'ils mettent en lumière la fraternité des inconnus.

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  • Author Victor Hugo
  • Quote

    The barber in his shop, warmed by a good stove, was shaving a customer and casting from time to time a look towards this enemy, this frozen and brazen gamin, who had both hands in his pockets, but his wits evidently out of their sheath.

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  • Author Victor Hugo
  • Quote

    Čovjek se hvata za svaku granu kada osjeća da pada.

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