25 Quotes by Victoria Holt
- Author Victoria Holt
It seemed I had briefly stepped into a world where people did wild things and paid for them; but it had made me see that there was more to life than being comfortable and living one day after another, quietly, unadventurously, almost like waiting for death.
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- Author Victoria Holt
Never underestimate yourself, Miss Jessie. People are going to think you’re not up to much if you think that way yourself.
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- Author Victoria Holt
It will be a compromise, but that’s what the marriage often is.
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- Author Victoria Holt
But somehow at the back of my mind was the feeling that if I did “the sensible thing” I would regret it, for I would be choosing a way of life that would be so predictable, it would rob me of all the excitement that made up the savor of living. If.
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- Author Victoria Holt
You always look as though you think people aren’t going to like you – that’s your trouble.
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- Author Victoria Holt
When one grows older one learns that happiness – complete and unadulterated happiness – comes only in moments, and must be recognized and savored to the full, for even in the happiest life, the complete joy is not always present.
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- Author Victoria Holt
So, Kerensa, you should never regret any experience, good or evil; for there’s some good in what’s bad just as there be bad in good...
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