88 Quotes by Vince Cable

  • Author Vince Cable
  • Quote

    Regulators are a backstop: they don’t own banks. The governance at the top of our leading banks has been shown to be lamentably weak. No one at the top of Barclays will take responsibility for systemic abuse.

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  • Author Vince Cable
  • Quote

    I’m now happily remarried to a good cook, which encourages me to be lazy. I like to think that I’m a new man, but perhaps I’m not. I offset it by doing the ironing, though. She has a small farm in the New Forest with a herd of cattle, so she serves up a steak and kidney pie made with her own beef.

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  • Author Vince Cable
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    Our workforce is very co-operative, very flexible, easy to work with and one of the big selling points. The idea that Britain is still back in the labour market of the ’70s is utterly bizarre.

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  • Author Vince Cable
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    I’ve always been comfortable working with women and I’ve had two happy marriages. Draw what conclusions you like from that.

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  • Author Vince Cable
  • Quote

    Britain is no longer one of the world’s price setters. It is painful. It is a challenge to us in government to explain all that, and it is a pity that the political class is not preparing the public for it to understand how massive the problem is.

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  • Author Vince Cable
  • Quote

    I fear that the rising personal bankruptcies and repossessions are the first signs of bigger problems to come and personal debt – Gordon Brown’s legacy to millions of Britain’s families – will hang like a millstone around the neck of the British people for years to come.

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  • Author Vince Cable
  • Quote

    The economy has become seriously unbalanced. Its growth has not been driven by investment or by overcoming Britain’s long-standing weaknesses in investment and productivity, particularly skills. Instead, there has been a binge of debt-financed consumer spending.

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