147 Quotes by Virginia Alison
- Author Virginia Alison
We can immortalise, glorify and canonise, but irk us and we are just as easily able to eviscerate you with a single blow of the pen where you will remain wretchedly exposed for all eternity....
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- Author Virginia Alison
Enjoy the little moments, you know, those ones where you feel like screaming "I love life," from the highest mountain knowing that it will be a treasured memory...
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- Author Virginia Alison
Souls do not break neither do hearts. Ravaged by time, they continue living within us and it is our choice whether to remove the walls of self preservation that we build as protection or to hide behind them and remain hardened within our comfort zone.Life is precious, giving it your all is preferable to withering and dying even before you fall off this mortal coil.
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