1,646 Quotes by Virginia Woolf
- Author Virginia Woolf
Cine poate ști ce suntem, ce simțim? Cine poate ști, chiar în momentul percepției intime” dacă aceasta era cunoașterea?”Nu-i așa că ratăm lucrurile de îndată ce încercăm să le exprimăm?”(...)Nu spunem mai mult prin tăcere? Cel puțin momentul acela părea de o extraordinară rodnicie. Scobise o gropiță în nisip și apoi o acoperise, în semn că îngropase acolo perfecțiunea acelei clipe. Era ca un strop de argint în care-ți scufundai și iluminai întunecimea trecutului.
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- Author Virginia Woolf
He lay on his chair with his hands clasped above his paunch not reading, or sleeping, but basking like a creature gorged with existence.
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- Author Virginia Woolf
Why then did she do it? She looked at the canvas, lightly scored with running lines. It would be hung in the servants' bedrooms. It would be rolled up and stuffed under a sofa. What was the good of doing it then, and she heard some voice saying she couldn't paint, saying she couldn't create, as if she were caught up in one of those habitual currents in which after a certain time experience forms in the mind, so that one repeats words without being aware any longer who originally spoke them.
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- Author Virginia Woolf
And this, like all instincts, was a little distressing for people who did not share it; to Mr. Carmichael perhaps, to herself certainly. Some notion was in both of them about the ineffectiveness of action, the supremacy of thought. Her going was a reproach to them, gave a different twist to the world, so that they were led to protest, seeing their own prepossessions disappear, and clutch at them vanishing.
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- Author Virginia Woolf
El tigre saltó, y la golondrina hundió la punta del ala en oscuras lagunas, al otro lado del mundo." Rhoda
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- Author Virginia Woolf
I rejoice to concur with the common reader; for by the common sense of readers, uncorrupted by literary prejudices, after all the refinements of subtilty and the dogmatism of learning, must be finally decided all claim to poetical honours.
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- Author Virginia Woolf
Every secret of a writer's soul, every experience of his life, every quality of his mind, is written in his works.
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- Author Virginia Woolf
Al reunirnos y separarnos, construimos diferentes formas, armamos diferentes estructuras. Pero si no clavo estas impresiones en el tablón, y si no fundo en uno de los muchos hombres que hay en mí; si no existo aquí y ahora en vez de existir a vetas y parches como la nieve que motea las lejanas montañas; (...), entonces caeré como la nieve y será un desperdicio" Louis
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- Author Virginia Woolf
Faima va dura poate două mii de ani. Și ce înseamnă două mii de ani?(întrebă domnul Ramsay, ironic, cu ochii țintă la gardul viu). Într-adevar, ce inseamnă, contemplate de pe creștetul unui munte, întinsele pustietăți ale secolelor? Până și piatra pe care o rostogolești cu vârful ghetei va dura mai mult decât Shakespeare. Iar mica lui luminiță va arde, fără prea multă strălucire, un an sau doi, dupa care va fi absorbită de o lumină mai puternică, și aceasta, la rândul ei, de o alta și mai vie.
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