1,646 Quotes by Virginia Woolf
- Author Virginia Woolf
It sharpened, it refined them, the yellow-blue evening light; and on the leaves in the square shone lurid, livid - they looked as if dipped in sea water - the foliage of a submerged city.
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- Author Virginia Woolf
Desejei dilatar a noite para a encher de sonhos.
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- Author Virginia Woolf
Let us take down one of those old notebooks which we have all, at one time or another, had a passion for beginning. Most of the pages are blank, it is true; but at the beginning we shall find a certain number very beautifully covered with a strikingly legible handwriting….here we have copied out fine passages from the classics;…here, most interesting of all, lists of books that have actually been read, as the reader testifies with some youthful vanity by a dash of red ink.
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- Author Virginia Woolf
Nos han cortado, hemos caído. Nos hemos convertido en parte del insensible universo que duerme cuanto más despiertos estamos, y que arde, rojo, cuando nosotros yacemos dormidos. Hemos renunciado a nuestra sazón y ahora estamos tumbados, inertes, marchitos, y muy pronto seremos olvidados." Bernard
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- Author Virginia Woolf
-bir kadın eğer kurmaca yazacaksa, parası ve kendine ait bir odası olmalıdır; ve göreceğiniz gibi bu, kadının gerçek doğasına ve kurmacanın gerçek doğasına dair büyük sorunu çözümsüz bırakmakta.
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- Author Virginia Woolf
-çünkü eğer kadın gerçeği söylemeye başlarsa aynadaki görüntü büzülür; erkek hayata uyum sağlayamaz olur.
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- Author Virginia Woolf
Sheakspeare'in zamanında bir kadının onunki gibi bir yeteneğe sahip olması mümkün değildi. Çünkü Sheakspeare gibi dahiler çalışan, eğitimsiz, alt sınıftan insanların arasından çıkmazlar.On altıncı yüzyılda büyük bir yetenekle doğan her kadın mutlaka delirirdi, kendini vururdu, ya da köyün dışındaki sessiz bir kulübede geçirirdi hayatının son günlerini, yarı cadı yarı büyücü sanılır, korkulur ve alay edilirdi.
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- Author Virginia Woolf
Możliwe, że obstając odrobinę zbyt uporczywie przy niższości kobiet, profesor nie miał wcale na uwadze niższości kobiet właśnie, ale raczej swoją własną wyższość. To ją właśnie starał się ochronić - a robił to gorączkowo i może z nieco zbyt wielkim naciskiem, ponieważ jego wyższość stanowiła dlań niesłychanie cenny klejnot.
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- Author Virginia Woolf
The tree outside the window taps very gently on the pane.... I want to think quietly, calmly, spaciously, never to be interrupted, never to have to rise from my chair, to slip easily from one thing to another, without any sense of hostility, or obstacle. I want to sink deeper and deeper, away from the surface, with its hard separate facts.
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