1,646 Quotes by Virginia Woolf

  • Author Virginia Woolf
  • Quote

    Lo que aún sigue atormentándome es el veneno de amargura y temor que engendraron aquellos días. El hecho inicial de estar continuamente haciendo algo que no nos gusta y de hacerlo como un esclavo, con acompañamiento de lisonjas y adulaciones, quizá no imprescindibles, pero a mí me lo parecían y no quería correr ningún riesgo" (Increíble lo que esto se parece al panorama laboral actual)

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  • Author Virginia Woolf
  • Quote

    Hide me, I cry, protect me, for I am the youngest, the most naked of you all. Jinny rides like a gull on the wave...but I...am broken into separate pieces; I am no longer one.

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  • Author Virginia Woolf
  • Quote

    Hide me, I cry,protect me, for I am the youngest, the most naked of you all.Jinny rides like a gull on the wave...but I...am broken intoseparate pieces; I am no longer one.

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  • Author Virginia Woolf
  • Quote

    What is more irritating than to see one’s subject, on whom one has lavished so much time and trouble, slipping out of one’s grasp altogether and indulging — witness her sighs and gasps, her flushing, her palings, her eyes now bright as lamps, now haggard as dawns— what is more humiliating than to see all this dumb show of emotion and excitement gone through before our eyes when we know that what causes it — thought and imagination — are of no importance whatsoever?

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  • Author Virginia Woolf
  • Quote

    I am alone," said Orlando, aloud since there was no one to hear.

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  • Author Virginia Woolf
  • Quote

    Come indoors then, and open the books on your library shelves. For you have a library and a good one. A working library, a living library; a library where nothing is chained down and nothing is locked up; a library where the songs of the singers rise naturally from the lives of the livers.

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  • Author Virginia Woolf
  • Quote

    Uygar toplumlarda kullanımları nasıl olursa olsun, aynalar, tüm şiddete dayalı ve kahramanca eylemler için gereklidir.....Çünkü kadın gerçeği söylemeye başlarsa erkeğin aynadaki görüntüsü küçülmeye başlar; yaşam karşısındaki uyumluluğu yok olur. (s.42)

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  • Author Virginia Woolf
  • Quote

    Kendisi tek bir şeyi değil, her şeyi söylemek istiyordu. Anın baskısı, telaşı insana her zaman hedefini şaşırtıyordu. Sözcükler telaş ve heyecanla yanlara kaçıyor, istenilen hedefe ulaşamıyordu. İnsan, bedenin bu heyecanlarını, sözcüklerle nasıl anlatabilirdi? Aradaki boşluğu nasıl anlatabilirdi? Duyumsayan insanın zihni değil, bedeni idi.

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