942 Quotes by Vladimir Nabokov
- Author Vladimir Nabokov
Бид зөвхөн үзэл санааны ертөнцөд төдийгүй, эд зүйлсийн хорвоод амьдарч байна. Бодит туршлагагүй хоосон үг ямар ч утга учиргүй.
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- Author Vladimir Nabokov
Нөхцөл байдлаа өөрчлөх гэдэг нь мөхөх тавилантай хайр сэтгэлтнүүд болоод эдгэршгүй уушгины сүрьеэ өвчтэй хүмүүсийн итгэл найдвараа тавьдаг заншил болсон эндүүрэл биш гэж үү?
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- Author Vladimir Nabokov
Хаа нэгэн эргэлт, аль нэгэн учрал дээр тулж очихдоо хэрхэн өөрийн минь "Би" хэмээх хувь чанар надаас зугтан одож, араас нь элдэж орохыг огтхон ч үл хүсэх харанхуй цүнхээл ус руу шунган хоргодохыг мэдэрч байлаа.
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- Author Vladimir Nabokov
A moment later I heard my sweetheart running up the stairs. My heart expanded with such force that it almost blotted me out. I hitched up the pants of my pajamas, flung the door open: and simultaneously Lolita arrived, in her Sunday frock, stamping, panting, and the she was in my arms, her innocent mouth melting under the ferocious pressure of dark male jaws, my palpitating darling!
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- Author Vladimir Nabokov
The Girl Scout’s motto is also mine. I fill my life with worthwhile deeds such as — well, never mind what. My duty is —to be useful. I am a friend to male animals. I am cheerful. I am thrifty and I am absolutely filthy in thought, word, and deed.
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- Author Vladimir Nabokov
Lolita, luz de mi vida, fuego de mis entrañas. Pecado mío, alma mía. Lo-lita: la punta de la lengua emprende un viaje de tres pasos desde el borde del paladar para apoyarse, en el tercero, en el borde de los dientes. Lo.Li.Ta.
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- Author Vladimir Nabokov
From my point of view, any outstanding work of art is a fantasy insofar as it reflects the unique world of a unique individual. Art is not just simple arithmetic, it's a delicate calculus. Keep in mind the passion of the scientist and the precision of the artist.
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- Author Vladimir Nabokov
The true measure of genius is in what measure the world he has created is his own, one that has not been here before him (at least, here, in literature) and, even more important, how plausible he has succeeded in making it.
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- Author Vladimir Nabokov
Literature under despotism:“The personality of the artist should develop freely and without restraint. One thing, however, we demand: acknowledgement of our creed.” - Dr. Rosenberg, Minister of Culture – Third Reich“Every artist has the right to create freely; but we, Communists, must guide him according to plan.” - Lenin pg. 7
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