793 Quotes by W. Somerset Maugham
- Author W. Somerset Maugham
When you're eighteen your emotions are violent, but they're not durable.
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- Author W. Somerset Maugham
Considering how foolishly people act and how pleasantly they prattle, perhaps it would be better for the world if they talked more and did less.
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- Author W. Somerset Maugham
The essential element of love is a belief in its own eternity.
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- Author W. Somerset Maugham
The last words he said to me when I bade him good-night were: Tell Amy it's no good coming after me. Anyhow, I shall change my hotel, so she wouldn't be able to find me.' My own impression is that she's well rid of you,' I said. My dear fellow, I only hope you'll be able to make her see it. But women are very unintelligent.
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- Author W. Somerset Maugham
It is unfair to expect a politician to live in private up to the statements he makes in public.
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- Author W. Somerset Maugham
Perfection is a trifle dull. It is not the least of life's ironies that this, which we all aim at, is better not quite achieved.
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- Author W. Somerset Maugham
The prestige you acquire by being able to tell your friends that you know famous men proves only that you are yourself of small account.
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- Author W. Somerset Maugham
The great trues are too important to be new.
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- Author W. Somerset Maugham
An art is only great and significant if it is one that all may enjoy. The art of a clique is but a plaything.
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