793 Quotes by W. Somerset Maugham
- Author W. Somerset Maugham
It is good to be on your guard against an Englishman who speaks French perfectly; he is very likely to be a card-sharper or an attache in the diplomatic service.
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- Author W. Somerset Maugham
The humour of Dostoievsky is the humour of a barloafer who ties a kettle to a dog's tail.
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- Author W. Somerset Maugham
Its a toss-up when you decide to leave the beaten track. Many are called, few are chosen.
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- Author W. Somerset Maugham
Reverie is the groundwork of creative imagination; it is the privilege of the artist that with him it is not as with other men an escape from reality, but the means by which he accedes to it.
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- Author W. Somerset Maugham
We have long passed the Victorian Era when asterisks were followed after a certain interval by a baby.
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- Author W. Somerset Maugham
A dictator must fool all the people all the time and there's only one way to do that, he must also fool himself.
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- Author W. Somerset Maugham
Of all the hokum with which this country [America] is riddled, the most odd is the common notion that it is free of class distinctions.
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- Author W. Somerset Maugham
When married people don't get on they can separate, but if they're not married it's impossible. It's a tie that only death can sever.
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- Author W. Somerset Maugham
Anyone can tell the truth, but only very few of us can make epigrams.
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