375 Quotes by Walter Benjamin

"He who observes etiquette but objects to lying is like someone who dresses fashionably but wears no vest."


"My energy just couldn’t stop dancing. I was caught up in the music of struggle, and i wanted to dance."


"For only that which we knew and practiced at age 15 will one day constitute our attraction. And one thing, therefore, can never be made good: having neglected to run away from home."


"The adjustment of reality to the masses and of the masses to reality is a process of unlimited scope, as much for thinking as for perception."


"I think that the movement against the World Bank, against the globalization process that is happening, is very positive. We need a globalization, a globalization of people who are committed to social justice, to economic justice. We need a globalization of people who are committed to saving this earth, to making sure that the water is drinkable, that the air is breathable."


"The crowd is the veil through which the familiar city beckons to the flâneur as phantasmagoria-now a landscape, now a room."


"All human knowledge takes the form of interpretation."


"I believe in life. And I have seen the death parade"


"The camera introduces us to unconscious optics as does psychoanalysis to unconscious impulses."


"The greater the decrease in the social significance of an art form, the sharper the distinction between criticism and enjoyment by the public. The conventional is uncritically enjoyed, and the truly new is criticized with aversion."
