139 Quotes by Walter Raleigh

  • Author Walter Raleigh
  • Quote

    When a felon’s not engaged in his employment Or maturing his felonious little plans His capacity for innocent enjoyment Is just as great as any honest man’s Ah! When constabulary duty’s to be done A policeman’s lot is not a happy one.

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  • Author Walter Raleigh
  • Quote

    I am the monarch of the sea, The Ruler of the Queen’s Navee, Whose praise Great Britain loudly chants And we are his sisters, and his cousins, and his aunts!

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  • Author Walter Raleigh
  • Quote

    The difference between a rich man and a poor man is this – the former eats when he pleases, and the latter when he can get it.

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  • Author Walter Raleigh
  • Quote

    The House of Peers, throughout the war, Did nothing in particular, And did it very well: Yet Britain set the world ablaze In good King George’s glorious days!

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  • Author Walter Raleigh
  • Quote

    I wish I loved the Human Race; I wish I loved its silly face; I wish I liked the way it walks; I wish I liked the way it talks; And when I’m introduced to one I wish I thought What Jolly Fun!

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  • Author Walter Raleigh
  • Quote

    Give my scallop-shell of quiet, My staff of faith to walk upon, My scrip of joy, immortal diet, My bottle of salvation, My gown of glory, hope’s true gage; And thus I’ll take my pilgrimage.

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  • Author Walter Raleigh
  • Quote

    Silence in love betrays more woe – Than words though ne’er so witty; A beggar that is dumb, you know, may challenge double pity.

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  • Author Walter Raleigh
  • Quote

    What is our life? A play of passion. Our mirth the music of division. Our mother’s wombs the tyring houses be, Where we are drest for this short Comedy.

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  • Author Walter Raleigh
  • Quote

    I can’t write a book commensurate with Shakespeare, but I can write a book by me.

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