88 Quotes by Walter de la Mare
- Author Walter de la Mare
It is very seldom that one encounters what would appear to be sheer unadulterated evil in a human face; an evil, I mean, active, deliberate, deadly, dangerous. Folly, heedlessness, vanity, pride, craft, meanness, stupidity - yes. But even Iagos in this world are few, and devilry is as rare as witchcraft. ("Bad Company")
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- Author Walter de la Mare
In these days of faith-cures, and hypnotism, and telepathy, and subliminalities – why, the simple old world grows very confusing. But rarely, very rarely novel.
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- Author Walter de la Mare
The first of these houses appeared to be occupied. The next two were vacant. Dingy curtains, soot-grey against their snowy window-sills, hung over the next. A litter of paper and refuse-abandoned by the last long gust of wind that must have come whistling round the nearer angle of the house - lay under the broken flight of steps up to a mid-Victorian porch. The small snow clinging to the bricks and to the worn and weathered cement of the wall only added to its gaunt lifelessness. ("Bad Company
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- Author Walter de la Mare
Yes, after all, this by now was his customary loneliness: there was little else he desired for the present than the hospitality of the dark.
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- Author Walter de la Mare
When there hasn't been anything there, nothing can be said to have vanished from the place where it has not been.("Out Of The Deep")
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- Author Walter de la Mare
Lawford had soundlessly stolen a pace or two nearer, and by stopping forward he could, each in turn, scrutinize the little intent company sitting over his story around the lamp at the further end of the table; squatting like little children with their twigs and pins, fishing for wonders on the brink of the unknown.
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- Author Walter de la Mare
Poor sleepers should endeavor to compose themselves. Tampering with empty space, stirring up echoes in pitch-black pits of darkness is scarcely sedative.("Out Of The Deep")
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- Author Walter de la Mare
Let them enjoy their Eden while they can; though there's plenty of apples, I fear, on the tree yet, Mr Lawford.
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- Author Walter de la Mare
It was to be a day of queer experiences. He had never realized with how many miracles mere everyday life is besieged.
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