387 Quotes by Warren Farrell
- Author Warren Farrell
[H]umans tend to start the process of change by acknowledging themselves thus blacks asserted black pride and black is beautiful; women declared I am woman, I am strong:;; men are saying I am man, I am okay. After a quarter of a century of male bashing, that's not a bad start.
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- Author Warren Farrell
Nobody really believes in equality anyway.
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- Author Warren Farrell
Men tuned into women but not tuned into their own hurts usually retained the attitude that women needed special protection.
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- Author Warren Farrell
Crime, especially crime involving money, reflects the gap between the expectation to provide and the ability to provide... If we really want men to commit crime as infrequently as women, we can start by not expecting men to provide for women more than we expect women to provide for men.
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- Author Warren Farrell
Divorces led to bodies of men (called legislatures) protecting women collectively as other men (called husbands) failed to protect women individually.
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- Author Warren Farrell
Sexual harassment in the workplace confuses rewards for performance with rewards for attractiveness and sexual availability.
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- Author Warren Farrell
Sexual harassment legislation in its present form makes all men unequal to all women.
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- Author Warren Farrell
Our children are better served by speaking not of visitation versus custody, but of parent time.
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- Author Warren Farrell
Companies like I.B.M. have offered women scholarships to study engineering for years, and women engineers routinely get higher starting salaries than men.
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