103 Quotes by Warren Spector

  • Author Warren Spector
  • Quote

    I have never made a game that wasn't explicitly about empowering players to tell their own story.

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  • Author Warren Spector
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    In the electronic game world, I know I have a reputation for doing the cyberpunk thing, and for doing the serious epic fantasy thing, but if you go back to when I was a kid, I've been a Disney fan all my life.

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  • Author Warren Spector
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    In papergaming, players can look at a character sheet of their own creation and see all of their skills, right there, in black and white.

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  • Author Warren Spector
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    I remember on Deus Ex there was one programmer - Alex Durand, a guy who still works for us - he decided he was going to get through the game without ever using a weapon. I would never think to do that. And that's fine.

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  • Author Warren Spector
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    I often get painted as the guy who's trying to tell other people what to make and what to like, and that's really not my goal, but I believe so passionately that games can be more than a lot of people think they can.

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  • Author Warren Spector
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    Gamers both demand and deserve novelty. They need something new. As a game developer, one of my rules is there will be at least one thing in every game that I worked on that no one on the planet has seen before.

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  • Author Warren Spector
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    The Junction Point journey is over. To all those who've asked, or want to ask, I'm sad but excited for the future.

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