130 Quotes by Warren Zevon
"This is a song my dad wrote in the late '60s that I discovered in a box of reel-to-reel tapes that were sitting in a storage bin, ... I've had the sheet music for years, but never heard the song until a few months ago and it's one of my favorites. He re-recorded it several years later as 'Steady Rain,' but that was also never released. This version is a combination of the two. It has the tempo and feel, as well as the bridge, from 'Steady Rain,' but the lyrics and instrumentation of 'Warm Rain.'"
"The first few albums I bought, I guess around high school age, I had a John Lee Hooker album and a Bo Diddley album, and then some singles."
"I write each song individually and each one calls for individual musicians, You sit around and wonder who can we get to play a Neil Young solo, and then you realize there`s a good chance you can get Neil himself."
"Can't you just imagine digging up the King, begging him to sing about those heavenly mansions Jesus mentioned."
"It's hard to find a girl with a heart of gold, when you're living in a four letter world."