120 Quotes by Werner Heisenberg

  • Author Werner Heisenberg
  • Quote

    Reports in Washington show that our reasoning was just like that of your physicists. With all this information available, at least to privileged persons, I cannot understand why it is generally held in the United States that we completely missed the basic principle of the bomb until after Hiroshima.

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  • Author Werner Heisenberg
  • Quote

    The end of the First World War had thrown Germany's youth into great turmoil. The reins of power had fallen from the hands of a deeply disillusioned older generation, and the younger ones drew together in larger and smaller groups to blaze new paths or, at least, to discover a new star to steer by.

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  • Author Werner Heisenberg
  • Quote

    Although the theory of relativity makes the greatest of demands on the ability for abstract thought, still it fulfills the traditional requirements of science insofar as it permits a division of the world into subject and object (observer and observed) and, hence, a clear formulation of the law of causality.

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  • Author Werner Heisenberg
  • Quote

    I would say that I was absolutely convinced of the possibility of our making an uranium engine, but I never thought that we would make a bomb; and at the bottom of my heart, I was really glad that it was to be an engine and not a bomb.

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  • Author Werner Heisenberg
  • Quote

    I had imagined doing nuclear physics and cosmic ray work in greater style in peace time. To do modern physics in a small way is of no use of all.

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  • Author Werner Heisenberg
  • Quote

    For Germany, the war was like an end game in chess in which she possessed one castle less than her adversary. The loss of the war was as certain as the loss of an end game under these conditions.

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  • Author Werner Heisenberg
  • Quote

    The uncertainty relation does not refer to the past; if the velocity of the electron is at first known and the position then exactly measured, the position for times previous to the measurement may be calculated.

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  • Author Werner Heisenberg
  • Quote

    The single life is bearable to me only through my work in science, but for the long term, it would be very bad if I had to make do without a very young person next to me.

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  • Author Werner Heisenberg
  • Quote

    After I had written a paper or letter for Bohr, I always had the impression that I had learned something which I could use for my own work. And somehow, I never felt that I had too little time for my own work. I always found time.

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