524 Quotes by Will Durant
- Author Will Durant
If we rated greatness by the influence of the great, we will say "Muhammad is the greatest of the great in history
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- Author Will Durant
Death like style is the removal of rubbish.
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- Author Will Durant
إن الفلسفة تبدأ عندما يبدأ الإنسان يتعلم الشك، وخصوصاً الشك في المعتقدات التي يحبها، والعقائد والبديهيات أو الحقائق المقررة التي يؤمن بها ويقدسها.
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- Author Will Durant
Rome remained great as long as she had enemies who forced her to unity, vision, and heroism. When she had overcome them all she flourished for a moment and then began to die.
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- Author Will Durant
War does one good—it teaches people geography.
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- Author Will Durant
Civilization is not inherited; it has to be learned and earned by each generation anew…
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- Author Will Durant
If a man asks for many laws it is only because he is sure that his neighbor needs them; privately he…thinks laws in his own case superfluous.
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- Author Will Durant
How much more suffering is caused by the thought of death than by death itself.
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- Author Will Durant
Read the book not all at once, but in small portions at many sittings. And having finished it, consider that you have but begun to understand it. Read then some commentary, like Pollock's "Spinoza", or Martineau's "Study of Spinoza", or better, both. Finally, read the "Ethics" again; it will be a new book to you. When you have finished it a second time you will remain forever a lover of philosophy.
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