24 Quotes by Will Ferguson

  • Author Will Ferguson
  • Quote

    Hellraisers destroy only themselves, and they do it because they love life too much to fall asleep.

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  • Author Will Ferguson
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    Fear of death and the desire to live on, somehow, if only through our children. Or our grandchildren. Quixotic quest for immortality. It’s sad and heroic and doomed – all at the same time.

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  • Author Will Ferguson
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    You ever want to negotiate a hostage situation in Quebec, I’m your man. Send me in for a little parley and the francophone miscreants will flee, hands over bleeding ears.

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  • Author Will Ferguson
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    Allo stesso tempo in giapponese ci sono due parole, wabi e sabi, che messe insieme significano bellezza effimera e fluttuante; estetica della decadenza, dei dettagli asimmetrici e dei colori naturali; gusto per il non finito, il transeunte, l’imperfetto. Per spiegare cosa significano queste quattro sillabe giapponesi nelle nostre lingue bisogna scrivere dei mini trattati.

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  • Author Will Ferguson
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    People don’t listen to karaoke, they endure it until it is their turn. It is the singularly most self-indulgent form of entertainment available.

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  • Author Will Ferguson
  • Quote

    You know, kid, ethics isn’t about choosing between right and wrong; it’s about choosing between grey and grey. It’s about choosing between two equally desirable but mutually exclusive courses of action. Freedom or security? Courage or comfort? Self-examination or blissful happiness? Column A or Column B?

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