1,171 Quotes by Will Rogers
- Author Will Rogers
We owe more money than any Nation in the World, and we are LOWERING TAXES. When is the time to pay off a debt if it is not when you are doing well? You let a Politician return home from Washington and announce, 'Boys we lowered your taxes. We had to borrow the money to do it, but we did it.' Say, they would elect him for life.
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- Author Will Rogers
Senators are a never-ending source of amusement, amazement, and discouragement.
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- Author Will Rogers
The more that learn to read the less learn how to make a living. That's one thing about a little education. It spoils you for actual work. The more you know the more you think somebody owes you a living.
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- Author Will Rogers
We live in an age of 'urge'. We do nothing till somebody shoves us.
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- Author Will Rogers
A company is known by the people it keeps.
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- Author Will Rogers
Playing the hero is the shortes career you can have
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- Author Will Rogers
Horsemanship through the history of all nations has been considered one of the highest accomplishments. You can't pass a park without seeing a statue of some old codger on a horse. It must be to his bravery, you can tell it's not to his horsemanship.
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- Author Will Rogers
Nobody wants to be called common people, especially common people.
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- Author Will Rogers
Get a sales tax, small on necessities and large on luxuries; then a stiff inheritance tax on the fellow that saves and don't spend. That will get him either way. A tax paid on the day you buy is not as tough as asking you for it the next year when you are broke.
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