68 Quotes by William Landay

  • Author William Landay
  • Quote

    School isn’t supposed to be dangerous. It’s not a place they should be afraid of. It’s their second home. It’s where they spend most of their waking hours.

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  • Author William Landay
  • Quote

    There is an ancient rule: actus non facit reum nisi mens sit rea – the act does not create guilt unless the mind is also guilty.

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  • Author William Landay
  • Quote

    I have an idea that is is what enduring love really means, Your memories of a girl at seventeen become as real and vivid as the middle-aged woman sitting in front of you. It is a happy sort of double vision, this seeing and remembering. To be seen this way is to be known.

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  • Author William Landay
  • Quote

    A jury verdict is just a guess – a well-intentioned guess, generally, but you simply cannot tell fact from fiction by taking a vote.

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  • Author William Landay
  • Quote

    The human element in any system is always prone to error. Why should the courts be any different? They are not. Our blind trust in the system is the product of ignorance...

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  • Author William Landay
  • Quote

    You have to follow your intuition. That is what expertise is: all the experience, the cases won and lost, the painful mistakes, all the technical details you learn by rote repetition, over time these things leave you with an instinctive sense of your craft. A “gut” for it.

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  • Author William Landay
  • Quote

    A good marriage drags a long tail of memory behind it. A single word or gesture, a tone of voice can conjure up so many remembrances.

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  • Author William Landay
  • Quote

    Confirmation bias is the tendency to see things in your environment that confirm your preconceived ideas and not see things that conflict with what you already believe.

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  • Author William Landay
  • Quote

    A liberal, it turns out, is a conservative who’s been indicted.

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