29 Quotes by William Moulton Marston
- Author William Moulton Marston
The wish to be super-strong is a healthy wish, a vital, compelling, power-producing desire. The more the Superman-Wonder Woman picture stories build up this inner compulsion by stimulating the child's natural longing to battle and overcome obstacles, particularly evil ones, the better chance your child has for self-advancement in the world.
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- Author William Moulton Marston
If there is any single factor that makes for success in living, it is the ability to draw dividends from defeat.
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- Author William Moulton Marston
Frankly, Wonder Woman is psychological propaganda for the new type of woman who should, I believe, rule the world.
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- Author William Moulton Marston
Comics speak, without qualm or sophistication, to the innermost ears of the wishful self. The response is like that of a thirsty traveler who suddenly finds water in the desert - he drinks to satiation.
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- Author William Moulton Marston
Comics speak, without qualm or sophistication, to the innermost ears of the wishful self. The response is like that of a thirsty traveler who suddenly finds water in the desert – he drinks to satiation.
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- Author William Moulton Marston
Women’s strong qualities have become despised because of their weakness. The obvious remedy is to create a feminine character with all the strength of Superman plus all the allure of a good and beautiful woman.
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- Author William Moulton Marston
And now we turn to another blank page. A future standing before us like freshly fallen snow. Awaiting that first mark, that first step forward. A new journey to be started. A new promise to be fulfilled. A new page to be written. Go forth unto this waiting world with pen in hand, all you young scribes, the open book awaits. Be creative. Be adventurous. Be original. And above all else, be young. For youth is your greatest weapon, your greatest tool. Use it wisely.
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- Author William Moulton Marston
Besides the practical knowledge which defeat offers, there are important personality profits to be taken.
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- Author William Moulton Marston
As lovely as Aphrodite – as wise as Athena – with the speed of Mercury and the strength of Hercules – she is known only as Wonder Woman.
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