196 Quotes by Yasmin Mogahed
- Author Yasmin Mogahed
Speak your heart. If they don’t understand, the message was never meant for them anyway.
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- Author Yasmin Mogahed
As `Ali (ra) expressed beautifully, “Detachment is not that you should own nothing, but that nothing should own you
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- Author Yasmin Mogahed
Loss; is the returning of what never actually belonged to us in the first place.
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- Author Yasmin Mogahed
To empty the heart does not mean to not love. On the contrary, true love, as God intented it, is purest when it is not based on a false attachment. The process of first emptying the heart can be found in the beginning half of the shahada (declaration of faith).
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- Author Yasmin Mogahed
It’s never easy to stand when the storm hits. And that’s exactly the point. By sending the wind, He brings us to our knees: the perfect position to pray.
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- Author Yasmin Mogahed
So often we experience things in life, and yet never see the connections between them. When we are given hardship, or feel pain, we often fail to consider that the experience may be the direct cause or result of another action or experience. Sometimes we fail to recognize the direct connection between the pain in our lives and our relationship with Allah SWT
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- Author Yasmin Mogahed
Time of difficulty test our faith, our fortitude and our strenght. During these times, the level of our imaan becomes manifest
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- Author Yasmin Mogahed
Shaytan will tell you that you’re not worthy, so give up. But his traps are based on lies. When was any of it because of *your* worth? It was all because of His mercy, His generosity, His love of giving, and forgiving. And those qualities don’t change because you’re messing up. Just seek them. Call Him by His mercy, not by your deeds.
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- Author Yasmin Mogahed
If given a choice between stoic justice and compassion, I choose compassion. And if given a choice between worldly leadership and heaven at my feet—I choose heaven.
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