315 Quotes by Yukio Mishima
- Author Yukio Mishima
Again, there were maidens who cherished the firm belief that he had come from the sea. Because within his breast could be heard the roaring of the sea. Because in the pupils of his eyes there lingered the mysterious and eternal horizon that the sea leaves as a keepsake deep in the eyes of all who are born at the seaside and forced to depart from it. Because his signs were sultry like the tidal breezes of full summer, fragrant with the smell of seaweed cast upon the shore.
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- Author Yukio Mishima
Estos anuncios dolían a Yuichi. Sin poder evitarlo, le obligaban a pensar que la sociedad se basaba en la heterosexualidad, ese principio, enojoso hasta la exasperación, establecido por la mayoría.
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- Author Yukio Mishima
Me siento responsable de la carne de esta mujer, pues me desgarra dulcemente como lo hacen otras cosas que son mías. Me estremece la dulzura de su presencia: cuando me sienta temblar se volcará como la hoja de un árbol sacudido por el viento y dejará que yo vea el lado vacío de sus ojos.
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- Author Yukio Mishima
The instant that the blade tore open his flesh, the bright disk of the sun soared up and exploded behind his eyelids.
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- Author Yukio Mishima
He was a man who had already died once.There was no reason why he should feel any sense of responsibility or attachment to the world. To him, it was nothing more than a sheet of newspaper covered in the scribblings of cockroaches.
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- Author Yukio Mishima
…Her desire was close to that of the person who drowns himself; he does not necessarily covet death so much as what comes after the drowning—something different from what he had before, at least a different world.
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- Author Yukio Mishima
We are not wounded so deeply when betrayed by the things we hope for as when betrayed by things we try our best to despise.In such betrayal comes the dagger in the back.
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- Author Yukio Mishima
Что происходит с нашей памятью? В то время как совершаемые нами поступки не оставляют в ней и следа, нас продолжает волновать память сердца.
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- Author Yukio Mishima
A woman is never so drunk with happiness as when she discovers desire in the eyes of a man
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